14:05:31 <kidclamp> #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 21 November 2018 14:05:31 <huginn> Meeting started Wed Nov 21 14:05:31 2018 UTC. The chair is kidclamp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:05:31 <huginn> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:05:31 <huginn> The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_21_november_2018' 14:05:38 <kidclamp> #topic Introductions 14:05:47 <kidclamp> #info Nick Clemens, ByWaterSolutions 14:06:09 <barton> #info Barton Chittenden, ByWaterSolutions 14:06:13 <marcelr> #info Marcel de Rooy, Rijksmuseum NL 14:06:20 <greenjimll> #info Jon Knight, Loughborough University 14:07:21 <kidclamp> #topic Announcements 14:07:23 <kidclamp> anybody? 14:07:51 <greenjimll> nothing from me. 14:08:21 <tcohen> #info Tomas Cohen Arazi 14:08:47 <barton> morning tcohen 14:08:58 <kidclamp> #topic Update from the Release Manager 14:09:23 <kidclamp> #info Release is coming along - combing through the release notes and the majors and above in bugzilla to fix whatever we can 14:10:16 <kidclamp> #info possibly considering 21826/19365 - would be nice to fix this, but don't want to cause issues this close to release 14:10:27 <kidclamp> any exytra QA eyes on those bugs would be appreciated 14:10:36 <kidclamp> bug 21826 14:10:36 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21826 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, ere.maijala, Passed QA , Automatic authority record generation improvements 14:10:38 <kidclamp> bug 19365 14:10:38 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19365 major, P5 - low, ---, ere.maijala, Passed QA , link_bibs_to_authorities.pl doesn't work with Elasticsearch 14:10:48 <ashimema> #info Martin Renvoize - PTFS Europe 14:10:52 * ashimema got the time confused 14:11:00 <kidclamp> thanks to all for lots of hard work, looking forward to sending this one out the door 14:11:13 <kidclamp> that's all from me, just thank you again to all 14:12:18 <kidclamp> #topic Updates from the Release Maintainers 14:12:25 <kidclamp> ashimema: fridolin 14:12:25 <wahanui> well, fridolin is indeed, but maybe not on Rmain 18.11 14:12:50 <ashimema> I have a test failing (selenium) which I'm working on a fix for 14:13:07 <ashimema> otherwise, we're not in bad shape for the next (and my final) 18.05.x release 14:13:36 <ashimema> I'm steady at 50 commits behind master right now.. bit I think the majority of those are enhancements 14:13:37 <fridolin> yep 14:13:49 <fridolin> #info Fridolin Somers, Biblibre, France 14:14:24 <ashimema> #info 18.05.x branch has one current failing test.. I believe it's the test rather than the feature that's failing 14:14:57 <greenjimll> I hate it when tests do that! 14:14:58 <ashimema> #info 18.05.x is currently 50 commits begind master, but the majority of those are enhancements and as such won't be backported 14:15:17 <ashimema> #info 18.05.x is otherwise on target for release next week 14:15:38 <fridolin> I have selenium not configured in Jenkins for 17.11.x 14:15:45 <thd> #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City 14:15:59 <fridolin> otherwise its OK, a bit late on 18.05 backports 14:16:30 <kidclamp> thanks guys, anything else? 14:16:39 <ashimema> not from me :) 14:16:39 <fridolin> I'm ok 14:17:00 <kidclamp> #inf 17.11 is a bit behind but coming along, releases on target for release next week 14:17:10 <kidclamp> #topci Updates from the QA team 14:17:16 <kidclamp> #topic Updates from the QA team 14:17:22 <kidclamp> cait around? 14:17:56 <kidclamp> Joubu: marcelr Josef_moravec alex_a jajm 14:17:59 <marcelr> no updates 14:18:09 <kidclamp> khall tcohen 14:18:51 <kidclamp> #info The QA team is awesome, bugs get QAed, things get fixed, the people are happy 14:19:02 <kidclamp> moving on 14:19:07 <kidclamp> #topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) 14:19:09 <tcohen> .-D 14:19:09 <kidclamp> anything? 14:19:20 <greenjimll> I like bz-splitter! 14:19:33 <marcelr> bug 21336 needs SO 14:19:33 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21336 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , GDPR: Handle unsubscribe requests automatically by optional (administrative) lock, anonymize and remove 14:19:35 <barton> greenjimll++ 14:19:48 <ashimema> bz-splitter needs a little love to stop it from crashing frequently.. 14:20:32 <greenjimll> Going to be useful for bug-wrangling though to easily spot bugs that might need a nudge. 14:20:38 <kidclamp> #info bug 21336 could use attention GDPR 14:20:58 <kidclamp> #info splitter is an amazing tool, could use some attention to keep it running 14:21:11 <kidclamp> what does it need ashimema - code work or server help? 14:21:19 <greenjimll> I take it 21336 will be a 19.05 thing now? 14:21:30 <kidclamp> indeed 14:22:04 <greenjimll> Be good to get bug 20028 sorted out for the same release (other side of GDPR coin) 14:22:04 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20028 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, J.P.Knight, Failed QA , Export all patron related personal data in one package 14:22:49 <ashimema> code work 14:23:06 <ashimema> seems to crash whenever an ipv6 address hits it 14:23:28 <ashimema> Joubu and I are both aware but haven't been able to personally replicate 14:23:39 <ashimema> and neither of us have time at the minute to investigate further. 14:23:48 <ashimema> we'll get to it at some point ;) 14:24:01 <kidclamp> cool 14:24:04 <kidclamp> moving on? 14:24:12 <ashimema> yup 14:24:17 <kidclamp> #info bug 20028 is a good candidate for 19.05 too 14:24:26 <kidclamp> #topic Review of coding guidelines 14:24:34 <kidclamp> barton? 14:24:42 <barton> right. 14:25:26 <barton> So I wrote the notices and slips wiki page, and that's sort of been the backbone of the notices and slips documentation for a while. 14:25:52 <cait> sorry, almost missed the meeting 14:26:02 <cait> #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany 14:26:17 <barton> you made it for the good part ;-). 14:27:00 <barton> anyway, I entered bug 21858 to move my work off the wiki into POD. 14:27:01 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21858 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , RFC: Notices and slips documentation 14:27:47 <barton> ... and I'd like to create a coding guideline that says that any new notices need to be documented. 14:27:55 <greenjimll> POD is good. Literate programming. 14:28:00 <cait> I'd like to suggest not using POD in favor of manual patches 14:28:14 <cait> POD is used in our files atm, but not as standalone separte from methods like this suggestion 14:28:26 <cait> it would require manual people to replicate for the manual reading the POD file 14:28:31 <ashimema> I like POD for within modules and aimed at developers... for user facing stuff a manual patch 14:28:35 <ashimema> that's my opinion 14:28:48 <ashimema> if POD is just feeding Manual.. then it's always going to get out of sync 14:28:57 <marcelr> yeah pod may not be the best place here 14:29:04 <cait> we are terribly at keeping thing in sync 14:29:36 <barton> I've got 5 people at bywater who are *itching* to get notices stuff into the manual. I'm not worried about carrying that over. 14:29:51 <ashimema> but I certianly DO like the idea of it being a guideline to state manual merge requests should accompany bugzilla submissions (whenever apropriate) 14:30:01 <barton> getting devs to document the intent of the notices is the hard part. 14:31:10 <ashimema> we already require POD updates for changes to and additions of methods/subs 14:31:19 <ashimema> so how is this different to that.. 14:31:22 <marcelr> managing devs is hard 14:31:35 <cait> getting devs to documet is hard, but I think it's not too much to ask 14:32:00 <kidclamp> I would agree, manual is a better place 14:32:05 <koha-jenkins> Project Koha_Master_D9 build #616: SUCCESS in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D9/616/ 14:32:12 <ashimema> needs to continue to be something easy for QA'ers to spot and fail patches for.. having an entirely separate POD file that collates notices docs is going to be hard to spot when missing.. 14:32:18 <ashimema> or did I misunderstand the request? 14:33:00 <kidclamp> this pod could all go into the individual scripts/module too, no? Then it would need to be maintained by devs without being a sepearate file? 14:33:11 <cait> not os easily 14:33:21 <ashimema> that's where I would aim for 14:33:44 <barton> Ok, so I created a separate file, *mostly* so that I had something to show people. 14:33:49 <cait> i mean it's pretty spread out in the code right no 14:33:50 <cait> w 14:33:53 <cait> but methods shoudl be documented 14:34:00 <ashimema> if a Dev adds a notice then there's going to be an associated method/sub somewhere for that notice.. that's where the POD documentation should go.. 14:34:10 <cait> yep 14:34:14 <barton> ... but I'm not stuck on the pod. As long as it's documented somewhere, and we have a coding guideline, I'm happy. 14:34:40 <cait> i think converting your work already done for the manual would be great 14:35:03 <cait> it's a good template too 14:35:05 <greenjimll> I get the feeling that the proliferation of syntaxes is also an issue in this case, because individual devs haven't necessarily seen what others have done? Or am I misunderstanding? 14:35:06 <ashimema> that is then something manual maints can use to construct the manual updates from (and that's actualy where a new guideline would be good encouraging devs to at least setup a stub manual merge request for the needed docs update) 14:35:18 <koha-jenkins> Project Koha_Master_U18 build #105: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_U18/105/ 14:35:40 <kidclamp> we don't have a guideline requiring manual patches, but I think QA at least suggests for new features, no? 14:35:56 <barton> ^^ what greenjimll said. 14:36:13 <ashimema> I know I do ;) 14:36:29 <barton> The documentation *needs* to be centralized. 14:36:35 <greenjimll> How do we submit a manual patch for something that hasn't yet been signed off/passed QA (and so may change radically) 14:37:00 <cait> you can do it and mark it WIP 14:37:05 <ashimema> well.. for 'Stock Rotation' for example I marked it with WIP 14:37:14 <cait> or you could write up a note on the release notes that is nice and clear for a start 14:37:25 <greenjimll> OK, is that process documented? 14:37:26 <ashimema> and noted it was awaiting final QA of the bug 14:37:34 <ashimema> not that I know of.. 14:37:41 <ashimema> that's where a new guildeline could come in 14:38:03 * ashimema would love to automate some of it somehow.. but hasn't got that far 14:38:14 <koha-jenkins> Project Koha_Master_D8 build #114: SUCCESS in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D8/114/ 14:38:52 * ashimema actually submitted a WIP merge request with just titles to start with.. then got his customer services team to write the human facing first draft (which I then maintained whilst the bug went through QA) 14:39:52 <cait> :) 14:40:13 <cait> would someone be willing to write up the pod to a manual merge request? 14:40:25 <cait> some of it might already be documented 14:40:39 <cait> i think we at least have an explanation for the notices code 14:40:40 <cait> s 14:40:51 <kidclamp> sounds like consensus is move this bug to master, consider a guideline for manual patches when submitting new features/ changing existing features? 14:41:16 <cait> +1 14:41:39 <ashimema> +1 14:41:47 <greenjimll> Er, I thought I was in the minority in liking POD in a file (which is what this bug does at the moment)? 14:41:47 <kidclamp> Does someone want to draft that for next meeting and send out to lists for opinion? 14:41:56 <barton> I can talk to bywater's education team; jzairo or donna. 14:42:34 <ashimema> +1 14:43:01 <barton> +1 14:44:12 <greenjimll> I'm not clear what folk are +1'ing? Getting 21858 pushed to master? 14:44:15 <kidclamp> #action Barton will see about getting a guideline for manual patches drafted and send to community 14:44:26 <thd> greenjimll: While I do not know where the majority stands, I think past difficulties have been about outdated POD not being updated. 14:44:41 <kidclamp> greenjimll: I think to move it to manual and consider a guideline to require manual changes 14:44:58 <marcelr> yes, move it to the manual 14:45:15 <greenjimll> kidclamp: Ah, you said, " move this bug to master" and confused me. 14:45:40 <kidclamp> hah, I meant manual 14:45:49 * kidclamp looks around for more coffee 14:45:51 <greenjimll> In which case, +1 14:46:17 <marcelr> first write a proposed guideline ? 14:46:52 <barton> I'll take care of that. 14:46:58 <kidclamp> barton++ 14:47:32 <ashimema> barton++ 14:47:52 <ashimema> it's great having manual improvements happening again :) 14:48:05 <kidclamp> #agreed bug 21858 will be converted a patch for manual, barton will get a guideline for manual submissions drafted 14:48:05 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21858 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , RFC: Notices and slips documentation 14:48:13 <marcelr> barton++ 14:48:20 <kidclamp> anything else? or set next meeting? 14:48:59 <barton> I'm good. Veni Vidi Documentii 14:49:21 <kidclamp> #topci Set time of next meeting 14:49:27 <kidclamp> #topic Set time of next meeting 14:50:07 <kidclamp> December 12? is three weeks, but avoids general meeting overlap, or combine the two on december 5th? 14:50:15 <kidclamp> two meetings is too many 14:50:21 <marcelr> not on same date 14:50:57 <greenjimll> 12th works for me (I assume this will be an evening one in UTC)? 14:51:03 <kidclamp> December 12, 20 UTC? 14:51:08 <greenjimll> +1 14:51:08 <kidclamp> yup, we alternate 14:51:45 <ashimema> +1 14:52:41 <kidclamp> #info Next meeting: 12 December 2018, 20 UTC 14:52:45 <kidclamp> #endmeeting