20:00:23 <kidclamp> #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 24 January 2018 20:00:23 <huginn> Meeting started Wed Jan 24 20:00:23 2018 UTC. The chair is kidclamp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:23 <huginn> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:00:23 <huginn> The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_24_january_2018' 20:00:33 <kidclamp> #Topic Introductions 20:00:34 <wahanui> #info wahanui, a bot that has become sentient 20:00:43 <kidclamp> #info Nick Clemens, byWater Solutions 20:00:48 <wizzyrea> #info liz rea, Catalyst IT 20:00:55 <aleisha> #info Aleisha Amohia, Catalyst IT 20:01:20 <kidclamp> hi catalyst! 20:02:29 <khall> #info Kyle M Hall, ByWater Solutions 20:03:33 <kidclamp> hmm..small crowd - forge ahead or reschedule? we can wait a bit too 20:03:54 <thd> how many of us are there now? 20:04:10 <kidclamp> with you 5 20:04:59 <thd> 5 is not terrible 20:05:09 <kidclamp> I just odn't know if there are people too represent the topics in the agenda 20:05:27 <kidclamp> forging ahead :-) 20:05:27 <thd> I was just going to raise that. 20:05:39 <kidclamp> #Topic Announcements 20:05:44 <kidclamp> floor is open 20:06:13 <wizzyrea> nice work on the "don't store bugzilla passwords in the clear" A+ 20:06:36 <thd> #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City 20:06:38 <kidclamp> yes, +1 20:07:02 <wizzyrea> Aleisha did you have any comments from academy week, good or bad? 20:07:13 <kidclamp> #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_24_January_2018 Agenda 20:07:32 <kidclamp> #info kudos for work on not storing BZ passwords in plain text 20:08:43 <wizzyrea> i guess on to 18.05 stuff? 20:09:01 <kidclamp> #topic Update from the Release manager (18.05) 20:09:22 <kidclamp> Joubu is not here - I think he wants more QA and offers free hugs 20:09:47 <aleisha> oops sorry, Academy was awesome and the community was a huge help 20:09:52 <wizzyrea> hugs for patches, seems fair trade 20:10:00 <kidclamp> #info Joubu could not make meeting, no updates 20:10:10 <kidclamp> #topic Updates from the Release Maintainers 20:10:28 <kidclamp> #info Academy was awesome and the community was a huge help 20:10:45 <kidclamp> #info 17.11.02 and 17.05.08 released today 20:10:51 <kidclamp> that's the big news 20:10:59 <wizzyrea> \o/ 20:11:27 <kidclamp> #topic Updates from the QA team 20:11:41 <kidclamp> just working where I can 20:12:05 <kidclamp> #info every day rhymes with QA day: e.g. Monday is QA day, Tuesday is QA day.... 20:12:27 <kidclamp> QA Monday, QA Tuesday etc. if you prefer 20:12:39 <kidclamp> #topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) 20:12:59 <kidclamp> Bug 17241 20:12:59 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17241 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Start using Bower for installing and managing Koha's JavaScript Dependencies 20:13:06 <kidclamp> khall? 20:13:06 <wahanui> khall is volunteering to come over and fix it for you, it seems. ;) 20:13:40 <khall> ah yes 20:14:02 <khall> so, the question is basically: should we use bower for our web dependencies? 20:14:38 <kidclamp> I think we maybe need marcel and other with opinions? 20:14:39 <khall> just looking for a general yay or nay 20:14:45 <khall> or we can just make owen decide 20:14:46 <khall> ; ) 20:14:51 <thd> ;) 20:15:03 <kidclamp> okay to table to next meeting? 20:15:11 <kidclamp> unless there are comments?> 20:15:12 <wizzyrea> i'm a general nay because every time we add on stuff like this it makes it harder to onboard developers. 20:15:20 <khall> we don't webpack any of our assets, and even if owen adds webpack, I'm not sure if he's going to add our existing assets 20:15:27 <wizzyrea> but I recognise that might not be the best reason. 20:15:34 <thd> wizzyrea++ 20:15:38 <khall> wizzyrea: it actually makes things easier. 20:15:52 <wizzyrea> well, actually, it doesn't. 20:16:03 <khall> right now adding a new dep is a real pain. and for using existing libraries it doesn't affect anything at all 20:16:14 <wizzyrea> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i'm happy to disagree with you 20:16:23 <khall> can you explain your thoughts wizzyrea ? 20:16:57 <wizzyrea> every time you add a new manager, when someone is a new dev, and they want to do work 20:17:00 <wizzyrea> it's another barrier. 20:17:07 <wizzyrea> I don't like that. 20:17:11 <wizzyrea> but 20:17:33 <wizzyrea> that may not be a good enough reason to not do it. 20:17:34 <khall> wizzyrea: do you have experience with bower? 20:17:43 <khall> have you had trouble using it in the past? 20:17:48 <thd> khall: Would you adress the learning curve? 20:18:08 <khall> thd there is no learning curve, seriously 20:18:41 <khall> if I were to play devil's advocate, I'd say new developers see the stone age way we handle things and run for the hills ; ) 20:18:59 <wizzyrea> there is always a learning curve. Always. But as I said, it may not be a good enough reason not to do it. 20:19:15 <kidclamp> maybe it would eb helpful to have a 'here's what we do now' versus 'here's waht we do with bower' 20:19:18 <thd> wizzyrea: If implementation is trivial and khall writes a one line tutorial for the wiki then I will be for it. :) 20:19:23 <kidclamp> I think that is what cait asked for too 20:19:34 <khall> we can do that 20:19:40 <khall> here it is: bower install <package> 20:19:42 <wizzyrea> ^ this is fine, but we often end up not getting that 20:19:51 <khall> as in: bower install jquery 20:20:17 <khall> I'd be happy to write a companion wiki page for bug 17241 20:20:17 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17241 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Start using Bower for installing and managing Koha's JavaScript Dependencies 20:20:23 <khall> assuming it gets pushed 20:21:29 <khall> we already use far more complicated tools for compiling our css, yet we continue to use them and even move forward with better tools ( like scss ) 20:22:36 <wizzyrea> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I can see you feel strongly about it. I really dont. 20:22:40 <aleisha> the academy students were very intimidated by anything css because it's a lil hard to look at, especially the minified stuff 20:23:21 <kidclamp> as long as the process is understandable I am generally for it 20:23:24 <khall> lol, thanks wizzyrea ; ) 20:23:55 <khall> unless a dev is adding a new dependency, they'll never even know it's there 20:23:57 <wizzyrea> all I'm getting at is, I've watched new developers try to do stuff. The more tools like this they have to learn before they can do work 20:24:03 <wizzyrea> the less work they do. 20:24:16 <khall> the *biggest* positive is also that it makes upgrading packages like jquery much simpler than what we do now 20:24:17 <wizzyrea> and the more frustrating it is to contribute 20:24:44 <khall> wizzyrea: bower is definitely a de-frustrator 20:25:07 <wizzyrea> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 20:25:11 <kidclamp> I think owen's opinion or others is necessary, move on? 20:25:11 <khall> if you install a library that requires another library, it gets installed automatically 20:25:21 <wizzyrea> yep onward 20:25:49 <khall> ok, can we say that owens decision stands? 20:25:52 <khall> I'm fine with that 20:26:06 <thd> wizzyrea's point should be well understood, but I am an outlier for avoiding JavaScript as much as I can myself and running noscript. 20:26:17 <kidclamp> i am okay with that, but others may have mroe to add 20:26:33 <aleisha> agreed, should wait for more devs to have some input 20:26:44 <khall> works for me 20:26:49 <kidclamp> #topic REST api 20:26:59 <kidclamp> #info Vote: PATCH implementation. Proposal to implement JSON-merge (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7386) as a start. Then implement JSON-patch (http://jsonpatch.com/ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902). This could be done in two steps taking advantage of Content/Type application/json-patch+json to choose between implementations). 20:27:13 <kidclamp> I don't knwo who added this, assuming tomas? 20:27:17 <kidclamp> tcohen? 20:27:17 <wahanui> tcohen is obsessed with packages' scripts 20:28:19 <LeeJ> #info Lee Jamison, Marywood University 20:28:29 <kidclamp> I am gonna say table unless someone can champion this 20:29:08 <kidclamp> #info waiting for next meeting and tomas to explain 20:29:09 <khall> we needs it 20:29:12 <thd> What would be the alternative? 20:29:22 <khall> there is no alternative 20:29:30 <kidclamp> generally I am for whatever tomas needs for rest 20:29:33 <khall> we don't support partial updates in the REST api without PATCH 20:30:24 <khall> the alternative is to never allow partial updates and always require the full copy of whatever to put used with PUT 20:30:58 <thd> Consequently, this is a mere formality about specifying an unavoidable standard. Do I understand correctly? 20:31:04 <khall> for example, if you want to change a persons surname, with PATCH you just send the surname 20:31:10 <khall> bascially yes thd 20:31:20 <notarock> Anybody know where i can find the code behind Email::Valid->address( ) ? I've seen this like in C4/Letters.pm, and Koha/Email.pm seems empty. 20:31:31 <wizzyrea> notarock: in a minute, it's meeting time :) 20:32:43 <khall> I'd propose a vote so tomas can get back to work ; ) 20:33:04 <thd> Unless there is some objection we few should vote on the formality. 20:33:55 <kidclamp> #vote Shall we implement PATCH using JSON-merge and JSON-patch as described in the agenda? Yes, No, Abstain 20:34:01 <kidclamp> #startvote Shall we implement PATCH using JSON-merge and JSON-patch as described in the agenda? Yes, No, Abstain 20:34:01 <huginn> Begin voting on: Shall we implement PATCH using JSON-merge and JSON-patch as described in the agenda? Valid vote options are Yes, No, Abstain. 20:34:01 <huginn> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 20:34:03 <kidclamp> Yes 20:34:13 <kidclamp> voet yes 20:34:16 <kidclamp> vote yes 20:34:21 <kidclamp> #vote yes 20:34:30 <kidclamp> do it like that ^ 20:34:31 <thd> #vote Yes 20:34:51 <kidclamp> #vote Yes 20:35:32 <khall> #vote Yes 20:35:55 <wizzyrea> abstain, no opinion. 20:36:47 <wizzyrea> #vote abstain 20:37:12 <kidclamp> last call 20:37:23 <aleisha> #vote abstain 20:38:01 <kidclamp> #endvote 20:38:01 <huginn> Voted on "Shall we implement PATCH using JSON-merge and JSON-patch as described in the agenda?" Results are 20:38:01 <huginn> Yes (3): kidclamp, thd, khall 20:38:01 <huginn> Abstain (2): wizzyrea, aleisha 20:38:32 <kidclamp> #topic Bug 20086 20:38:32 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20086 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , AddRenewal is not executed as a transaction and can results in partial success and doubled fines 20:38:41 <kidclamp> I just bring this up for opinions 20:39:07 <kidclamp> we have an issue in that if AddRenewal fails partially we are generating doubled fines for patrons 20:39:26 <kidclamp> it would be good to use more transactions for things like this, however, it may cause unforeseen issues 20:40:02 <kidclamp> with patches there all tests pass, but I think we need more eyes/inputs on how we shold correctly implement multipart updates 20:40:42 * kidclamp has opened the can of worms, that is all 20:40:59 <thd> kidclamp: What qualifies as a multipart update? 20:41:32 <kidclamp> so for instance - in a renewal we close the fine, then we update the issue, then we update the stats 20:41:34 <khall> thd: any time a subroutine updates multiple tables 20:41:40 <kidclamp> anytime that one action depends on another 20:43:31 <kidclamp> #topic Review of coding guidelines 20:43:47 <kidclamp> #info Stop using "type" attribute on <script> and <style> tags. See Bug 20053 and Bug 20054 20:43:47 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20053 normal, P5 - low, ---, indradg, Signed Off , Drop type attribute "text/javascript" for <script> elements used in OPAC templates 20:43:48 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20054 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Signed Off , Remove attribute "text/css" for <style> element used in the OPAC templates 20:44:06 <thd> The issue seems to be that if one part of the multipart update fails we may need to roll back the others wich succeeded. Do I understand correctly? 20:44:12 <kidclamp> yes thd 20:46:06 <kidclamp> I think this one makes sense, but needs to be written as a guidleine 20:46:33 * LeeJ nods 20:46:46 <kidclamp> #action indradg please write up a guideline for submission for removing 'type' attributes 20:47:01 <kidclamp> #info New rule Coding_Guidelines#SQL12: Booleans (DRAFT) 20:47:31 <kidclamp> Thi smakes sense to me, standardizing is always noce 20:47:39 <kidclamp> any discussion? 20:48:20 <LeeJ> kidclamp: if removing type resolves multiple bugs then it stands to reason the same situation would re-appear in the future 20:48:39 <LeeJ> so I agree it makes sense to standardize the practice in favor of removing it 20:49:04 <kidclamp> oh, I meant for the next topic :-) I think the type thing is good, just needs to be written up 20:49:27 <LeeJ> :P 20:50:14 <kidclamp> #startvote Should we adopt SQL12 as drafted in the coding guidelines? Yes, No, Abstain 20:50:14 <huginn> Begin voting on: Should we adopt SQL12 as drafted in the coding guidelines? Valid vote options are Yes, No, Abstain. 20:50:14 <huginn> Vote using '#vote OPTION'. Only your last vote counts. 20:50:20 <kidclamp> #vote Yes 20:51:04 <wizzyrea> #vote yes 20:52:58 <LeeJ> #vote Yes 20:53:05 <kidclamp> last call 20:53:37 <thd> #vote Yes 20:53:48 <kidclamp> #endvote 20:53:48 <huginn> Voted on "Should we adopt SQL12 as drafted in the coding guidelines?" Results are 20:53:48 <huginn> Yes (4): kidclamp, wizzyrea, LeeJ, thd 20:55:05 <kidclamp> #action tomas please finalize SQL12 20:55:12 <kidclamp> #Topic Set time of next meeting 20:55:51 <kidclamp> two weeks out would be february 7th 20:56:11 <kidclamp> but is alos gneeral meeting 20:56:42 <kidclamp> so I suggest 2018-02-14 13 UTC? 20:58:21 <kidclamp> #info Next meeting: 14 February 2018, 13 UTC 20:58:25 <kidclamp> #endmeeting