21:05:37 <LeeJ> #startmeeting Documentation IRC meeting 9 May 2018 21:05:37 <huginn> Meeting started Wed May 9 21:05:37 2018 UTC. The chair is LeeJ. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:05:37 <huginn> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:05:37 <huginn> The meeting name has been set to 'documentation_irc_meeting_9_may_2018' 21:05:58 <LeeJ> #topic Introductions 21:05:58 <wahanui> #info wahanui, a bot that has become sentient 21:06:07 <cait1> #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany 21:06:07 <LeeJ> #info Lee Jamison, Marywood University 21:06:15 <caroline_> #info Caroline Cyr La Rose, inLibro 21:06:16 <davidnind> #info David Nind, Wellington, New Zealand 21:06:16 <georgew> #info George Williams, Northeast Kansas Library System 21:06:36 <LeeJ> #topic What's been done so far 21:07:03 <LeeJ> alright, as of this morning I've gotten tasks created for everything current per the release notes 21:07:34 <cait1> LeeJ++ 21:07:38 <davidnind> LeeJ++ 21:07:38 <LeeJ> #info the kohadocs Taiga project is current as of Release Notes 21:08:20 <LeeJ> #info currently in queue to be added to the documentation are 11 new features, 257 enhancements, and 19 new system preferences 21:08:34 <LeeJ> yes I did, in fact, count them all ;) 21:08:43 <caroline_> hehe! 21:09:17 <LeeJ> caroline_: would you like to mention the work that you and your team have accomplished for documentation so far? I saw you've been very busy 21:09:23 <LeeJ> and cait1 your work too :) 21:09:43 <caroline_> um... Well, I'm the only one doing doc on my team 21:09:57 <LeeJ> caroline_: I meant in general :) 21:10:05 <caroline_> Ah ok! 21:10:26 <caroline_> Yes, Every friday afternoon the whole team does what we call "community work" 21:10:51 <caroline_> So I either translate of doc, and the devs work on bugs or sign offs 21:11:02 <caroline_> translate OR doc, I meant 21:11:19 <LeeJ> caroline_++ 21:11:20 <cait1> Inlibro++ 21:11:25 <LeeJ> Inlibro++ 21:11:30 <caroline_> thanks! :D 21:11:48 <LeeJ> cait1: care to share with everyone all the "restructuring" you've been working on? :) 21:11:59 <cait1> I've been working on restructuring a bit 21:12:04 <cait1> one of the goals being to make the files smaller 21:12:23 <cait1> which will also help translators I think 21:12:41 <cait1> another thing is that the TOCs get easier to handle 21:13:05 <LeeJ> cait1++ 21:13:09 <cait1> like by splitting administration into system preferences and 'rest' we lost one level of headings 21:13:22 <LeeJ> which is a BIG deal :D 21:13:24 <cait1> which i think helps to make them a little more readable/easier to navigate 21:13:35 <cait1> or i hope so :) 21:13:36 <LeeJ> and less syntax to remember :) 21:13:47 <cait1> next i've been working on splitting the next big chapter 21:13:52 <cait1> misecellanous 21:14:00 <cait1> let me find a link quickly 21:14:09 <georgew> smaller chapters will be a lot easier on end users 21:14:18 <LeeJ> I agree georgew 21:14:37 <cait1> i hope my changes so far are agreeable :) 21:14:40 <LeeJ> especially since a lot of small, specific sections have been buried deep in larger files 21:14:53 <cait1> miscellanous was not linked from Koha 21:15:06 <LeeJ> cait1: I agree with them! Otherwise they wouldn't get pushed ;D 21:15:09 <cait1> but we also removed the numbering from the file names (to not have to renumber them all the time) 21:15:18 <cait1> so I needed to fix the links in Koha 21:15:24 <cait1> bug 20706 21:15:24 <huginn> 04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=20706 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Needs Signoff , Fix links to help files for changed file structure (removed numbering on files) 21:15:43 <cait1> we need to make one more change there and add back the en language codes int he files for the time being 21:15:47 <LeeJ> cait1: would you mind adding some quick info tags for the notes? :) 21:15:48 <cait1> otherwise links won't work right 21:16:07 <LeeJ> *notes/minutes 21:16:13 <cait1> #info bug 20706 needs sign-off / qa - It's to adapt the links in Koha to the new file structure 21:16:24 <cait1> #info administration has been split into prefs and rest 21:16:48 <cait1> #info miscellanous has been split into multiple files now, like links, faq, extending_koha 21:16:54 <cait1> i need some more help there 21:17:06 <LeeJ> what help do you need? 21:17:07 <cait1> 1) can we lose the serials sample ins favor of the wiki page caroline started? 21:17:41 <LeeJ> cait1: have a link to that wiki page? never knew about it 21:18:00 <cait1> 2) Move 'OCLC connextion gateway', 'Talking Tech' and 'MarcEdit' into a new chapter 'Using third party software wit Koha' ? 21:18:03 <caroline_> Didn't we already have this conversation a while back? 21:18:11 <cait1> 3) Move SIP2 and LDAP sections into a new chapter 'Other APIs and protocols' right below the 'Web services' chapter? 21:18:15 <caroline_> We voted on wiki vs manual for something 21:18:18 <cait1> caroline_: i was not sure how to proceed, maybe i forgot 21:18:22 <cait1> ah for faq 21:18:27 <cait1> we decided on the manual i tihnk 21:18:32 <georgew> The vot on wiki vs manuals was for faq 21:18:40 <caroline_> ah ok thanks! 21:19:00 <cait1> we could also imagine moving them into the serials chapter 21:19:22 <caroline_> I would move the link to the wiki in the serials chapter 21:19:40 <LeeJ> I think caroline_ has a good idea 21:19:49 <cait1> sorry, can you epxlain? 21:19:50 <caroline_> number 2 and 3 are fine by me 21:20:04 <caroline_> well removing the serials sample section 21:20:07 <cait1> was not sure about the naming of the chapters, 2) and 3) has a patch ready to go then :) 21:20:28 <caroline_> and just putting the link "for examples see ..." in the serials chapter 21:20:36 <caroline_> the link to the wiki I mean 21:20:41 <cait1> #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Serial_Pattern_Library Serial pattern library 21:20:47 <cait1> ok 21:20:48 <cait1> :) 21:20:59 <cait1> one reason i'd remove it righ tnow is i am not sure if all the examples are still correct 21:21:13 <cait1> i think the wiki is the better source atm 21:21:13 <LeeJ> didn't know about that serial wiki... 21:21:16 <KSorbo[> Question on Server Specs: 21:21:20 <caroline_> I can check that friday if you want 21:21:42 <caroline_> check if the samples are still ok 21:21:47 <LeeJ> KSorbo[: we're in the middle of a meeting...if you can wait a few minutes we'll be happy to help you 21:21:48 <cait1> caroline_: I am pretty sure yours are correct, meant te ones in the manual :) 21:22:01 <caroline_> that's what I meant! 21:22:05 <cait1> ah sorry 21:22:10 <caroline_> I will check and copy them to the wiki 21:22:16 <cait1> my brain is a little tired tonight :) 21:22:21 <cait1> caroline_: thx! 21:22:30 <KSorbo[> I have a Ubuntu 16.04 test server with 512M and 1 CPU with 1G swapfile. Koha is very slow, taking 10-15 secs on any screen. What am I doing wrong? Does perl require more cpu/memory than this? 21:22:31 <caroline_> and then I'll remove the chapter 21:22:33 <LeeJ> #topic Workflows 21:22:39 <cait1> ok 21:22:41 <cait1> last one 21:22:41 <wahanui> rumour has it last one is the first one if you look backwards 21:22:43 <KSorbo[> (SORRY) 21:22:59 <cait1> the chapter with the isbd defualts 21:23:02 <cait1> is that helpful? 21:23:07 <cait1> could we move it? 21:23:21 <LeeJ> cait1: I honestly have no opinion on it 21:23:29 <cait1> https://koha-community.org/manual/18.05/en/html/miscellaneous.html 21:23:37 <cait1> hm didn't quite link 21:23:50 <cait1> i think i ciould get that somewhere i have all 'misc' sorted out 21:24:13 <cait1> the isbd defaults and Koha XSLT Item Types 21:24:21 <caroline_> https://koha-community.org/manual/17.05/html/18_miscellaneous.html#isbd-defaults 21:24:25 <cait1> yep 21:24:39 <cait1> if you got a good idea, let me know please :) 21:24:42 <caroline_> I have no idea what those mean... 21:25:03 <caroline_> Is it for the sys prefs when they say to use default or leave blank? 21:25:24 <caroline_> if we put default it's going to use this? 21:26:13 <caroline_> nooo! cait come back! ;) 21:26:23 <cait> sorry, had to restart the laptop:( 21:26:36 <cait> frozen 21:27:01 <caroline_> can you see the history or do you need me to copy/paste my questions? 21:27:13 <cait> just checed history 21:27:29 <cait> it's the default values for the ibsd sysprefs 21:27:30 <LeeJ> cait caroline_are there any other "stray" or "out of place" sections in the manual that could be grouped with the ISBD defaults? 21:27:34 <cait> when you install koha out of the box 21:27:49 <cait> the xslt item types ones maybe 21:27:53 <cait> lost all my tabs now :( 21:28:13 <cait> but i am not even sure if the defaults are current, i am not checking content much right now, just trying to sort 21:28:41 <caroline_> could we just make a page for those defaults and link them from the sys prefs chapter? 21:28:43 <cait> https://koha-community.org/manual/18.05/en/html/miscellaneous.html#koha-xslt-item-types 21:29:11 <cait> we could move them into a new chapter, but htat would mean a very small one :) 21:29:20 <caroline_> that way, they wouldn't be a "chapter", but still accessible for ppl who want to know what the defaults are 21:29:32 <cait> i am not sure if that works with the way the manual is 21:29:45 <cait> as soon as you add a file to the index.rst it appears in the table of contents 21:29:54 <cait> adding a hidden page might be problematic 21:30:01 <caroline_> ah, then it won't work. 21:30:18 <cait> we could slip then into faq? 21:30:22 <cait> them 21:30:41 <cait> the itemtypes could also go under cataloguing maybe 21:30:42 <caroline_> is that where the db codes are? 21:30:48 <caroline_> in the faq? 21:30:51 <cait> i haven't checked closely yet 21:31:29 <cait> hm i will suggest something 21:31:36 <cait> i think i got some ideas now 21:32:19 <tcohen> @later tell Joubu maybe we can promote timezone per-instance as a new feature? same for 'supporting emojis'. It feels like they are hidden in the release notes, but very important though 21:32:19 <huginn> tcohen: The operation succeeded. 21:33:23 <cait> tcohen: you are disrupting a docs meeting ;) 21:33:26 <cait> LeeJ: move on? 21:33:28 <LeeJ> cait caroline_: it seems we have a bit of discussion to do for it, but since they've been in the same place for so long, what say we bench the discussion until next docs release and leave ISBD as is 21:33:30 <LeeJ> ? 21:33:44 <caroline_> ok 21:34:30 <LeeJ> #action some documentation section moves (specifically ISBD) will be benched until next release cycle 21:34:31 <georgew> Sorry, I had to answer an emergency phone call, but are there any other big unweildy defaults like the ISBD defaults? Is there a potential for putting default settings like that in a chapter of ther own? 21:34:43 <cait> i'd just wanted to try and reach some kind of 'stable' files number so the translations can be fixed for it :) 21:34:59 <georgew> And leaving them where they are till the next version is a great idea too, LeeJ 21:35:03 <cait> georgew: i couldn't come up with others so far 21:35:15 <LeeJ> alright, if no one has anything else let's move on 21:35:29 <georgew> It almost seems like something you'd see in an appendix or endnotes if this were a physical book 21:35:34 <cait> the issue is that I'd like to kill the misc chapter, but i will work out a suggestion 21:35:40 <LeeJ> #topic Next steps 21:36:09 <LeeJ> alright, now that my final exams concluded as of this morning I can dedicate 100% of my time to documentation until the release date 21:36:28 <caroline_> LeeJ+ congrats! 21:36:30 <LeeJ> so I'm going to send out an email sometime on Sunday regarding a sprint week for next week 21:36:34 <cait> woohoo and congrats! 21:36:36 <LeeJ> caroline_: thanks! 21:36:56 <LeeJ> sound good to everyone? 21:37:09 <cait> yes 21:37:12 <georgew> yes 21:37:13 <davidnind> sounds good 21:37:21 <LeeJ> nice! 21:37:28 <caroline_> I don't know what awaits me next week, but I'll try! 21:37:33 <cait> I should be able to spend a lot of a day next week 21:37:44 <LeeJ> caroline_: no worries! you've been a great help this whole time :) 21:37:51 <georgew> if we do it after Tuesday I'll devote an entire workday to it 21:37:57 * tcohen is sorry 21:38:29 <LeeJ> #action LeeJ will be sending out an email Sunday about the week of May 13 - 19 as a sprint week 21:38:41 * LeeJ thinks tcohen should be ashamed of himself ;) 21:39:02 <LeeJ> alright, I think that about wraps up everything :) 21:39:22 <tcohen> LeeJ: hhe 21:39:51 <LeeJ> #topic Set time of next meeting 21:40:40 <LeeJ> how does June 16th or 17th at the same time work for everyone? if anyone is still interested in helping after the release ;) 21:41:13 <georgew> June 17 would be awesome 21:41:17 <cait> this is quite late, but i can mak eit work 21:41:39 <cait> could we do an hour earlier maybe? 21:41:40 <LeeJ> perhaps we can do 14 UTC instead? 21:41:52 <LeeJ> I don't have classes now so I can do whenever now :) 21:41:55 <cait> 10pm instead of 11pm :) 21:41:58 <caroline_> isn't june 17 a sunday? 21:42:06 <rangi> morning 21:42:10 <cait> lol 21:42:14 <LeeJ> hahah whoops..was looking at may's calendar :P 21:42:24 <LeeJ> 14th? 21:42:24 <wahanui> rumour has it 14th is fine 21:42:27 <cait> you are so bad with dates :) 21:42:39 <LeeJ> :( 21:42:46 <cait> we like you anyways :) 21:42:53 <LeeJ> :D 21:42:58 <cait> 14th is fine by me 21:42:59 <caroline_> 13 would be better for me or 14 earlier 21:43:04 <cait> next meetings? 21:43:04 <wahanui> well, next meetings is https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Next_IRC_meetings 21:43:27 <cait> no conflicts for both dates 21:43:41 <LeeJ> how about June 14th at 14 UTC? 21:43:52 <cait> maybe 13th? 21:44:02 <LeeJ> ah right 21:44:09 <LeeJ> 13th at 14 UTC it is! 21:44:20 <georgew> see you then 21:44:20 <caroline_> works for me 21:44:37 <cait> thx LeeJ 21:44:38 <LeeJ> #info Next meeting: 13 June 2018, 14 UTC 21:44:43 <cait> LeeJ++ 21:44:44 <LeeJ> #endmeeting