15:00:52 <tuxayo> #startmeeting Development IRC meeting 5 January 2022 15:00:52 <huginn`> Meeting started Wed Jan 5 15:00:52 2022 UTC. The chair is tuxayo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:52 <huginn`> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:52 <huginn`> The meeting name has been set to 'development_irc_meeting_5_january_2022' 15:01:10 <tuxayo> #topic Introductions 15:01:28 <tuxayo> #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_5_January_2022 Today's agenda 15:01:37 <cait1> #info Katrin Fischer, BSZ, Germany 15:01:52 <tuxayo> #info Victor Grousset, Tuxayo GmbH, France 15:01:57 <fridolin> #info Fridolin Somers, Biblibre, France 15:02:09 <oleonard> #info Owen Leonard, Athens County Public Libraries, Ohio, USA 15:02:21 <Joubu> #info Jonathan Druart 15:02:35 <AndrewFH> #info Andrew Fuerste-Henry, ByWater Solutions 15:02:37 <thd> #info Thomas Dukleth, Agogme, New York City [major COVID-19 centre take care] 15:03:28 <kidclamp> #info, Nick Clemens, ByWater Solutions 15:03:38 <cait1> happy new year all :) 15:03:56 <tuxayo> #topic Announcements 15:04:08 <tuxayo> Any announcement that doesn't fit another topic? 15:04:15 <tuxayo> happy new year indeed! 15:04:16 <Joubu> #info Enjoy 2022! 15:04:39 * thd after a period of extra work in a retail environment has tested positive for the virus of the day despite vaccinations, extra ventilation, barriers, and 95% mask filtering. I may be past my infectious period but please keep a safe distance. Remember a virus is merely a bundle of information with replication instructions. 15:05:32 <tuxayo> thd: best wishes for remission (if that's the right word). Thankfully, nothing to be worried over IRC :) 15:06:13 <tuxayo> #topic Update from the Release manager (21.11) 15:06:15 <tuxayo> fridolin? 15:06:15 <wahanui> fridolin is, like, indeed, but maybe not on Rmain 18.11 15:06:23 <tuxayo> lol 15:06:43 <cait1> wahanui forget fridolin 15:06:43 <wahanui> cait1: I forgot fridolin 15:06:44 <koha-jenkins> Project Koha_21.05_U21 build #63: SUCCESS in 56 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_21.05_U21/63/ 15:06:47 <tuxayo> :o 15:06:51 <cait1> wahanui: fridolin is RM for 22.05 15:06:51 <wahanui> OK, cait1. 15:07:01 <cait1> just fixing... 15:07:04 <fridolin> yey 15:07:24 <fridolin> I've starting again after a few hollidays 15:07:35 <thd> Seems mild so far but was hoping that symptoms were a less troublesome infection with more decades of experience for management. 15:07:35 <fridolin> Kids have 4 weeks here 15:07:58 <tuxayo> It's summer after all 15:08:06 <fridolin> indeed :) 15:08:24 <fridolin> Nothing special for RM 15:08:53 <tuxayo> #topic Updates from the Release Maintainers 15:08:53 <nugged> #info Andrew Nugged, National Library of Finland, HELSINKI 15:09:18 <tuxayo> As koha-jenkins just said, 21.05 builds ^^ 15:09:58 <tuxayo> Nothing unusual for the 1st release of 20.05 this cycle 15:10:24 <AndrewFH> yeah, nothing to report on 21.05 at this time 15:11:40 <AndrewFH> Oh! except we're off of the usual point release numbering. Kyle did two releases in November 2021, so December was 21.05.08 rather than the standard 21.05.07. just FYI 15:12:12 <tuxayo> Nothing to worry about. Urgent security releases do that. 15:12:37 <AndrewFH> Yeah, I didn't see how it would cause trouble aside from mild confusion :) 15:12:57 <fridolin> this month 22 is on a weekend, we may release on next monday 15:13:17 <cait1> rmaints++ 15:13:24 <tuxayo> Right! Last month we forgot to coordinate to confirm the release date ^^" 15:13:58 <tuxayo> moving on? 15:14:57 <tuxayo> #topic Status of roadmap projects 15:16:35 <tuxayo> Anything on something? 15:16:39 <fridolin> it has been calm 15:16:46 <thd> Fixed some bugs in rsync copying of binary and other non-version control files for wiki. I should be able to restart commits to version control again soon. 15:16:54 <Joubu> don't worry fridolin, I am back :D 15:17:03 <thd> s/wiki/wiki migration/ 15:17:05 <fridolin> cool B) 15:17:56 <thd> I will not be running down my health point with all night sessions at least until I am clear from the virus. 15:18:49 <tuxayo> wise decision, even without sickness 15:18:54 <tuxayo> #topic Actions from last meeting 15:19:06 <tuxayo> > fridolin asks general ML about the discussed KohaCon22 bidding changes and announcement them at the beginning of January if there was not opposition. 15:19:15 <fridolin> done 15:19:32 <fridolin> there have been a few answers that agree 15:20:26 <cait1> i was the one who put that up actually 15:20:27 <cait1> the suggestions 15:20:33 <cait1> and there was a misunderstanding actually .) 15:20:52 <fridolin> I also have contacted Stockholm University because they made a candidature in KohaCon19 15:20:57 <cait1> I didn't mean to make the past continents valid again, but to give people the chance to host an online only meeting without losing the chance to host an in person conf the next 3 years 15:21:09 <fridolin> but they decline for 2022 15:21:12 <cait1> i think some possible candidates might be holding back 15:21:18 <cait1> becuse they hope to have a "real one" 15:21:38 <cait1> that is close by, like all the european ones 15:21:59 <fridolin> i like the idea 15:22:37 <tuxayo> cait1: I don't remember if it was misunderstood of it inspired a similar proposal on the last meeting. 15:22:42 <tuxayo> Definitely related though 15:22:42 <fridolin> saying full-online can always propose is the same no ? th 15:22:56 <cait1> I think it probably got lost in translation 15:23:06 <cait1> I had to miss the last meeting, so couldn't explain it 15:23:29 <cait1> i think yoru email only made past ones 'valid' 15:23:37 <cait1> not talking about not losing the continents psot for the 23 one 15:23:41 <cait1> not the same 15:23:47 <fridolin> ah i get it 15:24:00 <fridolin> ok to add this phrase, better be explicit 15:24:42 <fridolin> i hope we will have a proposal ... 15:24:55 <cait1> yeah me too 15:25:17 <cait1> the suggestions came from trying to attract more bids really 15:25:40 <cait1> because we are running out of time... but an online conf might be something people might take on 15:25:43 <tuxayo> +1 it's better lossen up further more the rules with that. 15:26:05 <cait1> oleonard: kidclamp: could you help phrasing? I failed already once :) 15:26:52 <thd> Do we have a scheme of preference for both in person with online component as opposed to online only? 15:26:58 <cait1> Maybe: If an online only conference is proposed, the same continent will still be possible to hold KohaCon in the folling year not being removed from rotation? 15:27:11 <cait1> we have asked for bids for either hybrid or online only 15:27:23 <cait1> a sole in-person is not an option for this year 15:27:38 <cait1> if we get more than one bid, we can hold a vote and people can factor in their preferences 15:27:51 <kidclamp> An online conference will not make a continent ineligible for future in-person conferences 15:29:03 <cait1> oh or that 15:29:19 <fridolin> So action = I will make announcement and edit wiki page 15:29:25 <cait1> maybe we should clarify timeframe? 15:29:31 <cait1> thx frido 15:29:42 <cait1> ineligible (forever... bidding next year) 15:30:15 <tuxayo> What was the chances about the timeframe again? 15:30:51 <oleonard> "An online conference bid will not make a continent ineligible for hosting an in-person conference the following year" 15:30:58 <cait1> +1 15:31:07 <cait1> tuxayo: hm? 15:31:17 <tuxayo> *changes 15:31:17 <tuxayo> oops 15:31:31 <cait1> i think we said end of feb? or middle of feb? 15:31:46 <fridolin> wiki page says we add 4 weeks 15:32:00 <cait1> can you share the link? 15:32:00 <fridolin> so end of feb 15:32:07 <fridolin> https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Processes_for_KohaCons#Continent_rotation 15:32:21 <fridolin> If there is no bid after the deadline that meets the rules, there will be a 4 weeks extension to the deadline. If there is still no bid after the extension period, exceptions from the rules are possible. 15:32:38 <cait1> ah, i was not aware of that passus, thx! 15:32:55 <cait1> i think w don't hae to stick strictly ot that as we are already so late this year 15:33:07 <cait1> I mean we can change the rules/exceptions right away with the extension 15:33:40 <cait1> ... and pester every big library we know about hosting KohaCon 15:34:28 <fridolin> ++ 15:34:43 <fridolin> but OK with end of Feb ? 15:35:06 <fridolin> not sure we will have several proposals to vote for 15:35:48 <tuxayo> # actionDRAFT fridolin announces timeframe extension (end of feb) and for this one allow proposals outside eligible continents, keeping priority to actual ones 15:35:58 <tuxayo> ##actionDRAFT fridolin chances wiki page with "An online conference bid will not make a continent ineligible for hosting an in-person conference the following year". And announcement de change 15:36:09 <cait1> having one would be good 15:36:10 <cait1> :) 15:36:15 <tuxayo> yes ^^ 15:36:23 <tuxayo> ok for end of february 15:36:27 <cait1> yes 15:36:37 <cait1> i think it might take a little to dicsuss in institutions, so should not be too short 15:36:54 <tuxayo> So let's write the action and move on 15:36:57 <cait1> yep 15:37:03 <cait1> you already did :) 15:37:06 <tuxayo> #action fridolin announces timeframe extension (end of feb) and for this one allow proposals outside eligible continents, keeping priority to actual ones 15:37:12 <tuxayo> #action fridolin chances wiki page with "An online conference bid will not make a continent ineligible for hosting an in-person conference the following year". And announcement de change 15:37:22 <tuxayo> s/chances/changes 15:37:29 <tuxayo> >_< 15:37:44 <tuxayo> > fridolin bring back the topic of keeping or not marcflavour a param for: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29652#c1 15:37:44 <huginn`> 04Bug 29652: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Move Koha::Biblio->get_marc_* to Koha::Biblio::Metadata 15:38:23 <fridolin> this is just to share the decision, any reason to keep this ? 15:38:32 <fridolin> looks like a very old code 15:39:18 <fridolin> without answers i'll remove it 15:39:19 <cait1> it hink we need it still 15:39:35 <cait1> in some form 15:39:42 <cait1> there are some display things that also check for marcflavor 15:39:46 <cait1> we are not always delaing with the records 15:40:09 <cait1> oh, i think i misunderstood... we arenot taking about removing the pref...right? 15:40:18 <fridolin> noooo 15:40:26 <cait1> ok, withdraw! :) 15:40:58 <Joubu> fridolin: yes, remove it 15:41:07 <fridolin> oki thanks 15:41:19 <cait1> what Joubu says 15:42:37 <fridolin> action = new bug report to remove it, Bug 27268 dependency 15:42:37 <huginn`> 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=27268 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, Pushed to master , Move C4::Biblio::GetMarcNotes to Koha namespace 15:44:09 <fridolin> tuxayo: ? 15:44:17 <tuxayo> #action fridolin open ticket about removing marcflavour as a param in context of bug 29652. Add it a dependency of bug 27268. 15:44:17 <huginn`> 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29652 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Move Koha::Biblio->get_marc_* to Koha::Biblio::Metadata 15:44:35 <tuxayo> > tuxayo inform mtj about the minor release (and no big deal if packages come after, no hurry for this one) 15:44:43 <tuxayo> Was done, mtj++ thanks for the packages 15:44:50 <tuxayo> > fridolin open a ticket for qa-test-tools about using _() or __() in the right context. .tt files vs .js files 15:44:57 <fridolin> done 15:45:10 <fridolin> we can discuss details in this ticket 15:45:13 <tuxayo> #link https://gitlab.com/koha-community/qa-test-tools/-/issues/55 15:45:22 <tuxayo> > tuxayo calls for volunteers to work on ES 7 support in the koha-devel mailing list 15:45:23 <tuxayo> dono 15:45:27 <tuxayo> *done 15:45:31 <fridolin> https://gitlab.com/koha-community/qa-test-tools/-/issues/55 15:46:16 <fridolin> your call have been eard at Biblibre, we plan to put some dev workers on it 15:46:42 <tuxayo> biblibre++ 15:47:59 <tuxayo> For anyone interested in submitting patches or testing/reviewing , see bug 25439. 15:47:59 <huginn`> 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25439 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , [Omnibus] Prepare Koha to ElasticSearch 7 - ES7 15:47:59 <tuxayo> Some look like trivial patches about default values 15:48:17 <tuxayo> #topic General development discussion (trends, ideas, ...) 15:48:41 <cait1> biblibre++ 15:48:50 <fridolin> I'd like to point Bug 29672 15:48:50 <huginn`> 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29672 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, julian.maurice, Needs Signoff , Increase performance of Koha::Plugins->call 15:49:09 <fridolin> performance of plugins is really important, like for intranet_js hook ie 15:49:38 <fridolin> Joubu: could you continue on it please ? 15:50:07 <Joubu> continue what? 15:50:23 <fridolin> Bug 29672 15:50:24 <Joubu> add a reply, a follow-up? Wait for QA? 15:50:31 <fridolin> discuss with how to do it good 15:50:47 <Joubu> ok, will have a look at it again 15:50:49 <fridolin> followup id need 15:50:55 <fridolin> thanks a lot 15:51:24 <fridolin> we notices performance gap is more important when DB server is remote 15:51:24 <Joubu> I don't think something is needed, I was discussing with Julian and he told me I was wrong 15:51:39 <fridolin> ah 15:52:26 <fridolin> but there is a benchmark Comment 3 15:53:17 <tuxayo> You mean it needs a second run from someone else? 15:54:24 <fridolin> any help is welcome 15:55:05 <fridolin> lets move on 15:55:47 <tuxayo> Any other pressing general development discussion? 15:56:21 <Joubu> yes 15:56:30 <Joubu> have a look at bug 29746, it's great 15:56:30 <huginn`> 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29746 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Passed QA , Add a handy Koha::Result::Boolean class 15:56:31 <Joubu> that's all :) 15:56:34 <tuxayo> go :) 15:56:37 <cait1> :) 15:56:48 <Joubu> (no, that was not a discussion) 15:57:29 <tuxayo> moving on then :) 15:57:32 <tuxayo> #topic Review of coding guidelines 15:57:47 <tuxayo> > fridolin : Remove the deprecated text parts in J5 ? 15:58:03 <tuxayo> #link https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines#JS5:_Enabling_translation_of_language_strings_in_linked_JavaScript 15:58:23 <fridolin> its confusing 15:58:47 <fridolin> related to qa tools issue 15:59:15 <oleonard> The examples for how to leverage 21156 could be expanded, but removing the DEPRECATED information makes sense 15:59:27 <cait1> yes, remove DEPRECATED 15:59:42 <cait1> i mean everything that is deprecated... 15:59:47 <fridolin> it is since 19.11.04 16:00:30 <fridolin> i'll leave the reference to 21156 16:01:42 <tuxayo> So just removing everything from DEPRECATED to the end of JS5? 16:01:51 <fridolin> yep 16:02:19 <tuxayo> no objections or amendments? 16:02:37 <fridolin> RIP ☠️ 16:03:06 <tuxayo> #action tuxayo Update coding guideline JS5 to removed everything from DEPRECATED to the end of JS5. 16:03:18 <tuxayo> next 16:03:19 <tuxayo> > Perltidy config ? There is xt/perltidyrc (untouched since 2008) 16:04:20 <cait1> i think it was hard to agree on things back then 16:04:27 <fridolin> I have always use default config, but it may be wrong 16:05:27 <cait1> what are the differences to default config? 16:06:12 <fridolin> i mean what are other dev using ? 16:06:56 <fridolin> ahhh https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines#PERL1:_Perltidy 16:06:57 <tuxayo> The only uncommented stuff is 16:06:57 <tuxayo> --cuddled-else --maximum-line-length=178 --opening-brace-always-on-right --paren-tightness=1 --vertical-tightness=2 16:06:57 <tuxayo> 16:08:54 <tuxayo> http://perltidy.sourceforge.net/ 16:08:57 <tuxayo> > The default parameter settings approximately follow the suggestions in the Perl Style Guide. 16:09:00 <tuxayo> https://perldoc.perl.org/perlstyle.html 16:09:54 <fridolin> ah ok, so maybe juste remove xt/perltidyrc 16:10:22 <cait1> maybe we should write it down then 16:10:26 <cait1> that the standard is used? 16:10:56 <tuxayo> Is it actually used by the related test? 16:11:18 <cait1> also a good question 16:11:22 <cait1> i tmigh tbe needed for the test 16:12:39 <oleonard> We seem to be slowing down... 16:12:44 <tuxayo> And maybe we keep it empty to have it ready for adding non default value? Or do we expect to unlikely something else than the default? 16:13:32 <fridolin> we may postpone this 16:14:02 <tuxayo> #action tuxayo check if xt/perltidyrc is used to see if we currently rely on it's values 16:14:12 <tuxayo> last! 16:14:14 <tuxayo> > Avoid formatting single words within sentences to ease translation (example: Bug 29589) 16:14:14 <huginn`> 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29589 minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , Translation issue with formatting in MARC overlay rules page 16:14:27 <fridolin> i mean create a new guide line to explain that 16:15:03 <oleonard> I find that restriction to be be unreasonable, and I wish we could come up with a solution. 16:15:12 <Joubu> I reused the pattern on bug 29602 as well 16:15:12 <huginn`> 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29602 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , We must be nicer with translators 16:15:40 <fridolin> oleonard: how is it a restriction ? 16:16:03 <oleonard> I want to be able to use markup in the middle of a sentence. 16:16:15 <cait1> i think there have beens ome solutions proposed 16:16:20 <cait1> but I don't remember exactly where .( 16:16:22 <fridolin> i mean the guide line can advice not to use it for translation 16:16:27 <cait1> basically it was using a TT plugin i think 16:16:44 <cait1> because TT stuff gets parsed into a sentence, we have issues with html elements 16:16:44 <Joubu> yes but it only adds a span 16:17:01 <Joubu> oleonard: do you mean you would like to use <b> for instance in a sentence? 16:17:04 <Joubu> https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=128698 16:17:07 <cait1> it might be on the old bugs of mveron, when he cleaned up a lot of those 16:17:09 <Joubu> + The [% pref_MARCOverlayRules_link | $KohaSpan %] preference is not set, don't forget to enable it for rules to take effect. 16:17:27 <Joubu> we could have [% string | KohaTab tag => 'b' %] 16:17:36 <Joubu> /KohaTab/KohaTag 16:17:48 <cait1> I believe that should work with the tools 16:17:52 <cait1> for translation 16:17:55 <oleonard> Joubu: Yes I would like to be able to <em>emphasize</em> words, for example. 16:18:06 <cait1> i agree, it shoudl be possible 16:18:10 <fridolin> ah sure 16:18:17 <cait1> woudl the proposed solution work oleonard? 16:18:23 <Joubu> no 16:18:29 <cait1> hm? 16:18:38 <Joubu> it won't work I think 16:18:46 <Joubu> the [% string %] won't be translatable 16:19:00 <cait1> hm right 16:19:14 <cait1> can we assign text in TT varialbes that is translatable? 16:19:31 <Joubu> [% SET string = t("translate_me") %] 16:19:55 <Joubu> The [% string | $KohaTag tag => 'em' %] stuff blabla 16:20:01 <Joubu> but it will end up weirdly in the po 16:20:33 <fridolin> the purpose is to have in PO : The %s stuff blabla 16:20:42 <fridolin> right ? 16:20:44 <Joubu> you will have translate_me in one string, and the other "The %s blabla" in another one 16:20:47 <cait1> i'll give an example i was working on today sec 16:21:04 <Joubu> BUT 16:21:06 <oleonard> I don't think we have to solve this problem now, but I wanted to express that I don't think a coding guideline is a long-term solution. 16:21:14 <cait1> (Requires above, does not work during self-registration if PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail is set.) 16:21:27 <Joubu> [% SET string = ("The <em>Translate me</em> stuff blabla"); %] 16:21:28 <Joubu> will work 16:21:29 <cait1> so the PatronselfRegistrationbyEmail is a link 16:21:43 <cait1> and self-registration is too 16:21:50 <Joubu> missing t() 16:21:52 <cait1> that makes to translate: if 16:21:54 <Joubu> [% SET string = t("The <em>Translate me</em> stuff blabla"); %] 16:21:59 <Joubu> ^^ that will work, problem fixed 16:21:59 <cait1> is set. 16:22:04 <cait1> which is... hard 16:22:34 <cait1> Joubu++ 16:22:38 <cait1> so... who is going to try it out? :) 16:22:45 <Joubu> cait1: your version can be fixed using the other version, from 29602 16:22:55 <cait1> yes and no, self registration is no pref 16:23:03 <cait1> in that case 16:24:09 <cait1> should we try it and make the coding guideline up next time? 16:24:16 <cait1> the string on patron attributs config might be a good case 16:24:24 <Joubu> [% SET PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail_link = '<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/admin/preferences.pl?op=search&searchfield=PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail">PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail</a>' %] 16:24:48 <Joubu> [% SET self_registration_link = '<a></a>' %] #Same as before 16:25:01 <Joubu> ha 16:25:11 <Joubu> yes, ok, will think about that 16:25:13 <Joubu> move on :) 16:25:56 <fridolin> oki 16:26:02 <tuxayo> #action tuxayo postpone "Avoid formatting single words within sentences to ease translation (example: Bug 29589)" to wait for test results 16:26:02 <huginn`> 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29589 minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , Translation issue with formatting in MARC overlay rules page 16:26:16 <tuxayo> #topic Set time of next meeting 16:26:38 <tuxayo> The 19th at the same hour then 16:27:02 <fridolin> sounds good 16:27:05 <cait1> tuxayo++ 16:27:15 <fridolin> tuxayo++ 16:27:35 <tuxayo> #info Next meeting: 19 January 2022, 15 UTC 16:27:46 <tuxayo> #endmeeting